sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2014


She was sitting on the chair,
Waiting to be asked.
The questions were prepared,
The public was there,
Looking at her.
She knew she will be jugded.
The light was above her,
The rest was in dark.
She could not see anyone,
But the others could see her.
The clock was ticking,
And she waited.
"Who do you care most?" she was asked.
"Me", she answered.
"You say that in your priorities you are on the first place?"
"Yes", she answered again.
"Why?" was the question.
"Why not?" was the answer.
The public was reacting.
"Who is then on the second place?"
"The others."
"The others?" she was asked.
"The rest of the world", she answered.
Rumors again.
"Are you aware that you are not alone? You have a family".
"I know", she said.
"What place occupies your family in your priorities' list?" she was asked.
"And your boyfriend?"
"Second", she added.
"They're on the same place?"
"And other friends, what place have you given them?"
Rumors in public.
"And the rest of the world is on the second place as well?"
"Yes", she confirmed.
"That's impossible!" the public yeld.
"Please, let her speak!" the woman said. And she returned.
"Are you even aware of what you are saying?"
"Yes", she said.
"Why? What makes you think that way? Do you know that your family gave you everything?"
"Do you even know what your lover made for you? He gave you his entire heart. And world. Ain't this enough for you?"
"Yes, it is".
"And how can you possibly put the whole world on the second place, without making a difference for your family or lover?"
"My list has only two "spots". I already filled them the way I knew better".
"I'm never on the first place on my priorities' list!" someone from the public shouted.
"Are you insane?" someone yeld.
"You should put your lover or your family on the first place" said the woman.
"Why?" she asked again.
The public was angry.
"Don't disobey the societies' rules!" the public screamed.
"That's enough! Send her to the jail!!" people screamed.
"I can not protect you" the woman said. "Change the places on your priorities' list".
"I won't".
"You disobey?"
"If that means doing it, then yes".
"You will be sentenced to... death!"
"Will I?"
"I'd rather die than be like you. I am not the society. I do not speak her language."
"Don't you regret what you are saying?"
"There's no time for regrets".
"Very well. The angry public will be released."

luni, 17 noiembrie 2014


Mă doare că m-ai prins de mâini...
Mă doare că mă ţii aici,
Şi nu îmi dai drumul spre necunoscut.
De ce vrei tu să acţionez împotriva voinţei mele?
De ce ţi se pare că libertatea ta
E la fel cu libertatea mea?
Eu nu visez acum la asta,
Tu nu vezi?
Eu nu visez la stabilitate pe partea asta,
Cu sufletul meu cum rămâne?
Mă angrenezi în situaţii care îţi sunt ţie favorabile,
Dar înţelege că eu vreau să merg pe un alt drum.
Diferit de al societăţii.
Şi de al tău.
Eu vreau libertate,
Nu îngrădire!
Nu mă ţine de mână strâns,
S-ar putea să accept din respect pentru ce faci.
Dar aş fugi mai tare la prima scăpare!
Nu vreau să am limite,
Şi tu ai atâtea!
Până când crezi că o să ne mai înţelegem?
Întreabă-mă ce vreau,
Şi dacă vreau asta.
Sunt prea tânără,
Mereu prea tânără pentru genul ăsta
De stabilitate.
Eu nu vreau ce societatea vrea de la mine,
Tu de ce eşti împotriva mea?
De ce nu vezi că mă doare,
Şi că o să înnebunesc aici,
Între patru pereţi?
Între pereţii limitărilor tale,
Pe care nu le depăşeşti!
Rămâi cum vrei,
Poartă-te cum vrei,
Dar nu mă reduce la o simplă idee,
Sunt mai mult decât atât!
Am inima frântă,
Tu nu vezi?
Spui că mă iubeşti,
Dar oare vezi tu tot ce se petrece?
Dă-mi drumul,
Şi vom căpăta amândoi stabilitate.
De care vrem fiecare.
O lume nouă mă aşteaptă,
Şi eu o să plec,
Într-o zi.
Dacă mă înţelegi,
Atunci ai să ştii de ce fac asta.
Eu nu m-am născut
Ca să mă închid între limite.